WEBVTT 2 00:00:06.029 --> 00:00:12.000 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Okay. Can everyone see the Bruin Beekeepers at UCLA present slide. Okay, cool. I see some nods. Awesome. 3 00:00:12.540 --> 00:00:23.130 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Okay, so. Hey, everyone. My name is Russia pronouns to her. Her is I'm the current president of Brune beekeepers and I really want to thank Charlotte and Karen for organizing this and 4 00:00:23.520 --> 00:00:31.860 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Having this present to you all, it's, it's been really exciting to plan this event. So yeah, really looking forward to teaching all about bees and I hope you learned something new. 5 00:00:32.550 --> 00:00:41.070 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And so along with me. I have two other Brune beekeepers board members who are here to help present. So Felicia Naomi, do you both want to introduce yourself. 6 00:00:42.720 --> 00:00:50.430 Bruin Beekeepers - Felicia (she/her): I am Felicia. I'm a co event director beekeepers and I'm the assistant visiting or things like that. 7 00:00:54.060 --> 00:01:00.330 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Hi, my name is Naomi. I'm currently a intern for the broom beekeepers and I'll also be assisting in the slides. 8 00:01:01.200 --> 00:01:02.550 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Also thank you both. 9 00:01:02.610 --> 00:01:11.610 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Okay, so just to begin with. You can either just unmute yourself and say it out loud or put it in the chat. What are some words that come to mind when y'all think of bees. 10 00:01:12.420 --> 00:01:18.120 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): These can be like any words nouns, adjectives sound effects, just like take a second to put down some words in the chat. 11 00:01:24.210 --> 00:01:27.420 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): All right, we got we got lots of good words. Okay, let's check them out. 12 00:01:30.390 --> 00:01:36.150 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Awesome pollinator honey oh two for pollinator we got a lot of buzzing in the chat. Awesome. 13 00:01:37.260 --> 00:01:40.290 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Cool fuzzy yellow, for sure. 14 00:01:43.020 --> 00:01:46.170 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): I'll give it a few more seconds. Just so that people can put their thoughts in the chat. 15 00:01:58.170 --> 00:01:58.800 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Awesome. 16 00:02:00.030 --> 00:02:01.860 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Be movie definitely 17 00:02:04.350 --> 00:02:10.080 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Great. Okay, awesome. This is a really wide variety of words love to see all the thoughts that you will have on this. 18 00:02:10.440 --> 00:02:17.550 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And so yeah, some of the words that you you all thought of are actually on the slide that you know a lot of people do think of when 19 00:02:17.940 --> 00:02:28.530 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): When thinking of bees. So some people mentioned colors so black and yellow for sure some people mentioned buzzing pollen and honey, which are two things kind of associated with bees. 20 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:33.150 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Sometimes, you know, like basic instincts. If people think of that. 21 00:02:34.260 --> 00:02:43.110 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): But yeah, so the the thing that we kind of wanted to highlight with this is all of these words do definitely apply to some bees, but oh my slide. 22 00:02:44.490 --> 00:02:56.520 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): There we go. But not all these are the same. So not all BS actually make honey. A lot of times people think of that as like something that's really closely associated and all of our lives with with honey and something that we eat. 23 00:02:57.090 --> 00:03:03.570 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Being associated with bees, but not all B's make honey not I'll be is actually staying so um 24 00:03:03.960 --> 00:03:10.140 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): You know that's something that when we teach kids, they're all like pretty surprised to learn because a lot of times, kids are afraid of these because of that. 25 00:03:11.100 --> 00:03:22.290 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Not all these are black and yellow, which we kind of already saw from Karen's icebreaker not all these are the same size. Not all of them live in hives and not all these come from the same place. 26 00:03:23.340 --> 00:03:32.040 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): So a lot of times when people think of honey bees or sorry, when people think of these they think of honey bees, which may have been what some of you had in mind when we were putting words in the chat. Right. 27 00:03:32.430 --> 00:03:35.310 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): We can see here, three different species of honey bees, they're 28 00:03:35.820 --> 00:03:43.980 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Black and yellow. They're just like collecting pollen, but something that a lot of people don't know is that there's a whole different category of bees called native bees. 29 00:03:44.430 --> 00:03:54.570 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And so we've put up a few pictures of these that are native to California, including the leaf cutter be the valley Carpenter be mason bees. Bees and movies. 30 00:03:55.260 --> 00:04:07.110 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And so as you can kind of see here the difference native bees comes in, come in all shapes and sizes, different colors, especially colors that you wouldn't really expect with, you know, the bright green of the sweat be or the bright blue of the Mason be 31 00:04:08.160 --> 00:04:18.360 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And so to kind of like highlight the difference here honey bees are the honey making champions right they are working hard to like make lots of honey, they will sting if they feel threatened. 32 00:04:19.260 --> 00:04:21.180 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Because they're mainly trying to protect the hive. 33 00:04:21.660 --> 00:04:33.840 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Again, because they do live in hives and they're trying to collect pollen to sustain the entire hive. They actually have these little things called pollen baskets on their legs to help them to collect lots and lots of pollen and bring it back to the hive. 34 00:04:34.410 --> 00:04:41.970 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And kind of the most significant difference is that honeybees do live in a hive with other bees whether worker bees drones, or the queen bee. 35 00:04:43.050 --> 00:04:56.250 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And in contrast native bees are actually solitary. So most of them live by themselves, they'll find like either like a nuke or something in a in a tree or underground sometimes and they'll actually create a nest their 36 00:04:56.970 --> 00:05:03.060 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): native bees don't really make honey. Some of them do. I think some bumblebees do, but for the most part, they don't actually make honey. 37 00:05:03.570 --> 00:05:14.550 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Because they live by themselves, and they don't actually have to defend a whole entire hive. They are actually pretty gentle, you really have to be like trying to disrupt their lives for them to have to sting you. 38 00:05:15.570 --> 00:05:23.640 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Another thing that really distinguishes native bees is because they are living by themselves, and they don't have to collect pollen for 39 00:05:23.910 --> 00:05:27.390 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): A bunch of other BS, they're actually really, really good at pollinating 40 00:05:27.660 --> 00:05:35.280 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Which you can kind of see from this picture here, where the native bees. On the left, because they don't have any kind of mechanism to collect pollen. 41 00:05:35.460 --> 00:05:45.420 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): When they fly around from flower to flower. They actually get completely just covered in pollen and as they fly from flower to flower that pollen very easily comes off. 42 00:05:46.020 --> 00:05:56.040 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And, you know, goes to different new flowers. So that's why we really like to talk about native bees as being really important pollinators, because they are more effective at pollinating than honeybees. 43 00:05:56.820 --> 00:06:07.170 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And so, kind of on the right you can see like these clumps of pollen here by the bees legs. That's the pollen basket area where all the pond kind of six there and then they bring it back to their high 44 00:06:09.390 --> 00:06:22.980 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Yeah, they are really cute. Awesome. And so we do have a few not this one yet. Okay, there we go. We do have a few videos just to show you what's inside of a native be nest versus the honey beehive. So I'm just going to be like talking over them. 45 00:06:23.640 --> 00:06:35.670 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): But the video that's playing right now is actually one of a leaf cutter be you can kind of see in this particular shot. It looks like a plank of wood that you can like look into with a whole that the bees making their nest in 46 00:06:36.840 --> 00:06:39.990 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): A lot of times in the in the wild. You'll see this in trees or like 47 00:06:40.500 --> 00:06:53.010 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Just like random places sometimes in buildings, but I think this particular one was constructed so you can see what's inside. And so this be, as you can see is kind of packing together all of these leaves to form a literal nest for this BS egg. 48 00:06:54.060 --> 00:07:01.560 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): So as you can see she's like really packing all those leaves tightly into her nest. And I think at this point. She'll probably 49 00:07:01.920 --> 00:07:10.410 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Take one out. So yeah, bees can be kind of particular about the leaves that they do use for their nests. So I think she will probably end up taking that one. 50 00:07:10.950 --> 00:07:20.250 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Back out from her nest. Yeah, there you go. And so you can kind of see how deep this Ness like goes into this particular plank of wood or other trees and stuff like that so 51 00:07:20.730 --> 00:07:26.760 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Um, yeah, so she's just kind of pulling it out and she'll fly off and probably find another piece of leaf to put in her nest. 52 00:07:27.420 --> 00:07:32.100 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Oh and also the reason that I'm saying her and like that. I know that this is a female be is because 53 00:07:32.970 --> 00:07:44.880 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Some of you may know this. This is also the same for honeybees but male bees really truly only exist to like meet with female be so that they can have eggs and so male bees don't live very long. They just kind of 54 00:07:45.330 --> 00:08:00.480 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Like, you know, get it out of their system and then die. So, the ones that actually go out making nests and caring for their eggs are the female bees. So that was the native be now we'll play a short clip from a honey bee hive. 55 00:08:03.090 --> 00:08:10.530 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): This. So, um, so this is this be, in particular, the one in the middle here. That's kind of shaking around, we'll go into what this is doing into a little bit 56 00:08:10.860 --> 00:08:22.440 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): But because these bees have so many other members of the hive. They have to work out a system of communication to be able to tell other bees were flowers are where things are. So this is doing something called the waggle dance. 57 00:08:22.800 --> 00:08:33.420 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): That tells other bees, where to find a good source of pollen. You can also kind of see the pollen baskets again on some of the legs of these bees those like yellow clumps on the side. 58 00:08:34.890 --> 00:08:43.200 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Yeah, so, and the video there. So that's just kind of a quick look into what a what a native Venus looks like versus what honey bee hive looks like. 59 00:08:44.280 --> 00:08:46.380 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): And I will pass it over to Naomi now. 60 00:08:48.570 --> 00:09:04.350 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Thanks region. So what are some plans of these love. So today I'll be focusing on a few of them. So I'll be going going over the blanket flower. So it's a type of Daisy that's popular within many native species and can mostly be found in the valley. 61 00:09:05.760 --> 00:09:09.330 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: I don't know if I mentioned this, but all of these flowers can be found in California. 62 00:09:10.440 --> 00:09:19.920 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: So then we move on to cascade Creek. So you can see it's a little bit of small little yellow clusters that are very attracted to small business well as butterflies. 63 00:09:20.550 --> 00:09:23.760 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Um, so this flower is also 64 00:09:23.760 --> 00:09:31.470 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Very drought resistant. So, meaning that if there's a lack of water as well as rain, they can still survive in bloom on their own. 65 00:09:32.040 --> 00:09:47.010 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: And then we'll be moving on to the rest of the Russian sage. So it's enjoyed both Bye, honey bees, as well as needed, peas, and it's very heat tolerant and can survive in harsh conditions. So it's a pretty ideal follower for the California weather. 66 00:09:50.880 --> 00:09:57.390 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Oh, they will move on to the local dance. So how did these communicate. So you can imagine, as in this little gift. 67 00:09:58.230 --> 00:10:06.270 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: It shows a figure eight. So imagine the number eight turned on inside. So the middle center will be pointing towards the source of food. 68 00:10:06.600 --> 00:10:21.120 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: So the longer the bees do the squabble dance. That means the further the distance to the food. So, as everyone watches this be do this while dance, they'll learn where to go for the food source. And we'll just show you a quick video on how to do the wild dance. 69 00:10:28.290 --> 00:10:31.290 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Oh, wait a second. I forgot that there's no audio because I didn't 70 00:10:32.640 --> 00:10:35.610 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Give me one sec to adjust the audio settings so sorry. 71 00:10:38.130 --> 00:10:49.980 Bruin Beekeepers - Felicia (she/her): Yeah, well, which is adjusting the audio settings. I'm the person who will be introducing us is another board member name is Sam, but she's not here with us. But yeah, that's who will be doing the Michael dance for us. 72 00:10:53.940 --> 00:10:54.450 Or 73 00:10:55.920 --> 00:11:14.970 Say we want to find an item with our local dance. Now I have something exactly like this two seconds in that direction. Okay, so now what I want to do is I want to face this direction and dance in this direction for two seconds, because that's how far away it is ok, ready 74 00:11:16.200 --> 00:11:18.030 One, two. 75 00:11:19.500 --> 00:11:37.860 So I've done the waggle part of my dance and I want to turn to the right to start making my figure eight. Right, so like this. No facing forward again we want to dance again. So, or if you don't want it. You can just a little bit before for two seconds and then turn to your left. 76 00:11:39.930 --> 00:11:54.540 Now, see if your family can find whatever it is that you hit or whatever it is that you're pointing to your vital signs can be used for anything as different all these these use them for plants possibilities are endless. So it'll be a fun thing to try at home. 77 00:12:00.360 --> 00:12:02.310 All right, say we want to find 78 00:12:06.030 --> 00:12:16.230 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Okay, so that was just a little quick video on the waggle dance so native bees and pollination. So native bees pollinate 80% of the flowers and plants and 75% 79 00:12:16.590 --> 00:12:23.400 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Of fruits, nuts, nuts, and vegetables such as tomatoes. A plans. Pumpkin squash blueberries and cranberry fires. 80 00:12:24.030 --> 00:12:34.230 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: And honey bees aren't really great at pollinating these things just because just as we learned as we just said they have pulling basket. So they tend to collect pollen instead of actually spreading it out. 81 00:12:35.220 --> 00:12:49.260 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: As you can see in the photo. There's a very wider variety of sizes, shapes, colors and lifestyles of native bees. So you can see the US is smallest be in comparison on a large Carpenter be 82 00:12:49.770 --> 00:13:00.090 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: And as we saw in the videos earlier, there's different types of life files. So we have these cut these that card would be that forage and these that tunnel and mine. 83 00:13:03.120 --> 00:13:06.030 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: So what can we do to help me that these so we can play 84 00:13:06.720 --> 00:13:15.750 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: The same type of bloom in our gardens, we can avoid using pesticides that can affect the plan that bees come in contact with when they're going from flower to flower. 85 00:13:16.170 --> 00:13:27.540 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: And here are just some quick ideas on some flowers that you planted during the seasons. So in spring. You can plant flowers like lilacs lavender stage and hysteria, as well as fall. You can plant fuchsia. 86 00:13:28.260 --> 00:13:38.940 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Bush sunflower seeds for Veena and told flax and in the summer. You can plant tomatoes pumpkins some flowers are going to oregano rosemary and poppies amongst other flowers. 87 00:13:42.120 --> 00:13:52.140 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: So we understand gardening is hard work. It can be pretty daunting. And it's really time consuming. So we have some alternatives. So maybe encourage your parents. 88 00:13:52.830 --> 00:14:02.250 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: You know, they're not bustling college students like we are. So just be like, hey, maybe try planning some flowers. Today, or you can buyer. Make your own seed. 89 00:14:03.090 --> 00:14:12.720 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Which are basically little cup clusters of seeds that you just throw into any space with soil and when the rain comes, they'll just start planting on their own. 90 00:14:15.870 --> 00:14:23.880 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: So just a quick PSA for consumers, trying to purchase from organic food and local farmer vendors that, you know, because this 91 00:14:24.360 --> 00:14:36.450 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: discourages monoculture, which it overall hurts bees. Be careful with labels that say, local and organic because sometimes these labels can be questionable and you can get food and 92 00:14:37.710 --> 00:14:54.570 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: From visiting the local CSA farm and sometimes USDA certification isn't everything because farmers often don't opt to get certified due to the lack of amount of lack of crops that they're able to produce as well as just simply the cost of getting certified 93 00:14:59.610 --> 00:15:09.930 Bruin Beekeepers-Naomi Rodriguez: Um, so click. If you want to learn more about the brand beekeepers you can check out our website to learn about more about us our upcoming events as well as how to get involved. 94 00:15:12.540 --> 00:15:23.940 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Yeah, so definitely that, that concludes our presentation. So we hope you all enjoyed it. If you do want to stay up to date with other events that bring beekeepers is putting on or if you just want to like check out one of our general meetings. 95 00:15:25.110 --> 00:15:35.610 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Feel free to add us on our socials on Facebook, Instagram, the website that Naomi shared with you all. And if you also want to join our group me it's like a pretty low key thing definitely like no 96 00:15:36.330 --> 00:15:42.690 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Like strict commitment needed, you can feel free to do so that's where we'll post. Most of our updates. You can stay up to date with what we're doing. 97 00:15:44.250 --> 00:15:52.980 Bruin Beekeepers - Rucha (she/her): Yeah. And thank you all so much for listening. We hope it was helpful and that you were able to learn something new and thank you once again dig for hosting us 98 00:15:57.180 --> 00:16:03.990 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Awesome. Thank you guys so much thought a lot of fun. And I definitely learned a ton. I didn't know that much about bees turns out 99 00:16:06.030 --> 00:16:07.050 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Or um 100 00:16:08.430 --> 00:16:12.810 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So I can share my screen now or my other screen. 101 00:16:23.190 --> 00:16:26.970 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool. OK, I will spotlight myself. I'm the be making 102 00:16:29.490 --> 00:16:34.650 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah. So here's my setup. I already put rice in my sock. But, um, 103 00:16:36.210 --> 00:16:42.960 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So yeah, pretty much. The first thing to do is like figure out the size I cut my sock. So it was a little bit smaller. 104 00:16:44.340 --> 00:16:47.160 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then I added rice. 105 00:16:48.240 --> 00:17:03.480 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And I know one thing I decided to add more rice than, like, I thought I would need to because it really like squished is down to the bottom. And as you can see, like, then I have like so much leftover so add more rice than you think you need 106 00:17:05.640 --> 00:17:06.540 And 107 00:17:08.130 --> 00:17:12.570 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I don't necessarily know how long this will take you guys but 108 00:17:15.900 --> 00:17:21.090 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: How long do you think I should wait. Should I like wait for like thumbs up or should I just keep going. 109 00:17:25.980 --> 00:17:31.110 Dig - Justin Haggard (he/him): Okay, do you want to maybe get like a couple minutes for people to get their supplies together. 110 00:17:31.110 --> 00:17:34.200 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, no, that's a good idea. Okay, cool. Oh. 111 00:17:37.080 --> 00:17:37.260 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: How 112 00:17:38.490 --> 00:17:45.810 Karen Yi (she/her): Can people get a heart reaction north and south reaction or whatever, if you plan on making a lead to do with us. 113 00:17:49.410 --> 00:17:50.910 Karen Yi (she/her): Great. Awesome. Cool. 114 00:17:52.350 --> 00:17:52.800 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Sweet. 115 00:17:56.430 --> 00:18:04.140 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay. And then when these go away. Let me know if you're like ready to start. And if you'd like put rice in yourself. 116 00:18:13.200 --> 00:18:13.980 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, I know. 117 00:18:14.220 --> 00:18:15.180 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Definitely like 118 00:18:15.900 --> 00:18:20.070 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Send me send us photos. When you're done. I'm super excited to see them. 119 00:18:26.880 --> 00:18:28.440 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, we've got some thumbs up 120 00:18:29.310 --> 00:18:30.870 ALEXANDER YAN: Oh, we are, how much rice. 121 00:18:34.170 --> 00:18:36.570 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: It really depends on how big your sock is but 122 00:18:38.460 --> 00:18:39.930 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I put in like two cups. 123 00:18:41.310 --> 00:18:41.550 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah. 124 00:18:54.150 --> 00:18:54.840 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, I can 125 00:18:56.610 --> 00:18:57.390 Start trying 126 00:19:03.750 --> 00:19:07.170 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, so the first main thing is 127 00:19:08.730 --> 00:19:13.380 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: To use like a color similar to that of your socks. So I'm going to put on black thread. 128 00:19:14.850 --> 00:19:20.040 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And definitely use a lot of thread, because both mean Karen. 129 00:19:21.120 --> 00:19:34.350 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: We made one last week, just to practice and like my mouth off and Karen's I fell off of her be so that's a big thing us more than us more thread than you think you need 130 00:19:37.440 --> 00:19:37.950 Okay. 131 00:19:42.360 --> 00:19:46.440 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, mine also have is a weird sentence. Okay. The bees mouse alone, but not 132 00:19:50.850 --> 00:19:52.290 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, cool. Let's get started. 133 00:19:53.460 --> 00:20:03.450 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So like the hardest part of this is like closing off the top of the B. What I like to do is first, like they're like rumbles up here and I like to put 134 00:20:05.250 --> 00:20:08.220 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: My needle through them to like first start 135 00:20:09.360 --> 00:20:11.460 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then just go around in a circle. 136 00:20:14.610 --> 00:20:16.170 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, and then just keep going. 137 00:20:18.000 --> 00:20:20.520 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And pull your thread through all the way 138 00:20:24.180 --> 00:20:24.480 Cool. 139 00:20:34.800 --> 00:20:41.220 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And that's like a round one. So like tighten it. And then we'll put the 140 00:20:42.810 --> 00:20:43.290 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: String 141 00:20:45.120 --> 00:20:53.640 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Then we have to put the like part of the sock that that's still sticking out, we have to put it like inside the be 142 00:21:03.780 --> 00:21:08.880 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, if you know if anyone has no idea how to so I can like kind of explain more, um, 143 00:21:10.080 --> 00:21:20.040 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: It's really like for this, it's like really not like really intense sewing or anything. All you have to do is like, put it in and then take it back out and then 144 00:21:21.780 --> 00:21:23.760 ALEXANDER YAN: Let me hold you pull the thread on Lido. 145 00:21:29.160 --> 00:21:38.820 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, so all you have to do is like take it, put it through the whole once and then tie it and then tie it once more. So it's like tight. 146 00:21:41.670 --> 00:21:42.210 ALEXANDER YAN: Hole in 147 00:21:43.260 --> 00:21:44.640 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Your Needle doesn't have a hole in it. 148 00:21:45.120 --> 00:21:48.060 ALEXANDER YAN: I just feel like a random to your toolbox. 149 00:21:48.810 --> 00:21:49.140 Oh, no. 150 00:21:50.400 --> 00:21:50.910 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I 151 00:21:52.500 --> 00:21:53.250 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Don't know. 152 00:21:58.800 --> 00:21:59.280 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Does anyone 153 00:22:02.730 --> 00:22:05.310 Karen Yi (she/her): Know, trying to Google roof. 154 00:22:05.520 --> 00:22:06.420 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay. Thank you, Karen. 155 00:22:07.590 --> 00:22:14.040 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So has anyone been able to do this part yet where they like tied in it like this. 156 00:22:20.670 --> 00:22:31.020 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, you can probably use hughley to but it would be hard for this part because we have to like put it in, we put this stuff that sticking out on the inside and then 157 00:22:33.570 --> 00:22:37.860 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: We pull it together. So it's like inside and 158 00:22:40.020 --> 00:22:45.120 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I'm I don't know. Yeah, I think you can try it and see how it goes. 159 00:22:47.040 --> 00:22:51.180 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I think it would be a lot easier for like the other parts like when you put on the eyes and stuff to do that. 160 00:22:54.030 --> 00:22:54.810 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Is a good idea. 161 00:22:56.130 --> 00:22:56.730 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Simple 162 00:22:56.910 --> 00:23:03.630 Dig - Justin Haggard (he/him): We use safety pins to if you had some it wouldn't look as nice probably work right. Yeah, I think so. 163 00:23:05.070 --> 00:23:13.020 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: This is a effort together. All I really done in sewing is like sewed my dog stuffed animals back together after she like breaks them so 164 00:23:15.960 --> 00:23:17.370 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, so then like the next part. 165 00:23:18.480 --> 00:23:27.720 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I like bring it over again to, like, make it more tight so just like at the end of the black like every bump. I just put it through. 166 00:23:29.310 --> 00:23:30.270 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And tighten it. 167 00:23:31.470 --> 00:23:32.310 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Put it to 168 00:23:57.630 --> 00:23:57.960 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Now, 169 00:24:04.560 --> 00:24:05.160 Let's see. 170 00:24:09.690 --> 00:24:11.760 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: How is everyone else doing all 171 00:24:13.260 --> 00:24:19.830 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Thumbs up if you've got that so far. And if you have any questions, write them in the chat, although that looks so cute. 172 00:24:31.650 --> 00:24:37.140 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, Karen. Karen knows what's up. She can help you out too. She might be better at explaining everything 173 00:24:39.240 --> 00:24:40.920 Karen Yi (she/her): You're doing great. Thank you. 174 00:24:42.180 --> 00:24:44.970 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Oh, thanks. Sophie, I use it all my books as it stands. 175 00:24:54.390 --> 00:24:54.930 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay. 176 00:25:00.390 --> 00:25:01.230 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yes. That's her name. 177 00:25:03.990 --> 00:25:08.130 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, cool. I will keep going, Lauren. How you doing, 178 00:25:11.850 --> 00:25:14.610 Dig- Lauren Olson- she/her: I'm doing good. I just finished up my be 179 00:25:15.030 --> 00:25:17.010 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Sweet. Okay, I'll keep going then. 180 00:25:18.360 --> 00:25:25.890 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So now that we have this it looks kind of silly because there's just like this whole right here so mean can decided that we'd add a little stinger 181 00:25:28.140 --> 00:25:37.410 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Wait, sorry. Where's my screen there. Thank you, whoever did that. Okay, so I just like took a piece of the white thread that I had 182 00:25:39.150 --> 00:25:45.990 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And I just like rolled it up to make it like a little pointy triangle. And that's what we got. 183 00:25:47.100 --> 00:25:49.770 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I was a lesson. Okay. 184 00:25:51.270 --> 00:25:54.900 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, we can for that and 185 00:25:56.040 --> 00:25:58.950 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Then all we have to do is add it on 186 00:26:07.980 --> 00:26:15.450 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So I'm a perfectionist coming out. It's not looking good. Okay, you pretty much just like stick it on and then you 187 00:26:16.890 --> 00:26:25.950 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Still with this string that we still have attached, you just start putting it into the black and then into the White 188 00:26:27.000 --> 00:26:30.570 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then back through, it's kind of a funky motion. 189 00:26:32.460 --> 00:26:35.610 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: But it, it worked last time. So I'm going to stick with it. 190 00:26:38.190 --> 00:26:48.870 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then just do it like all the way around and do it a lot because I'm since it's like kind of sticking out. I feel like it would be really easy for it to fall off. So whatever you can do 191 00:26:50.430 --> 00:26:51.660 Oh no, it's falling apart. 192 00:26:54.510 --> 00:26:57.300 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: You guys get to just remake it later. 193 00:27:06.390 --> 00:27:11.010 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And oh, if people aren't doing these if they're doing like bats or something. 194 00:27:12.240 --> 00:27:16.890 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: If you have just like excess black. Maybe you could put the black over it. 195 00:27:18.270 --> 00:27:26.820 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And just have like like a flat section just so then it isn't like a whole going into it because I think that's kind of silly looking 196 00:27:29.490 --> 00:27:34.050 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So you can do that. Just like something there and 197 00:27:36.090 --> 00:27:37.440 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Now he has a singer. 198 00:27:44.640 --> 00:27:50.430 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, I think you can a tune up sheet is probably a little bit easier than my like funky design like spin 199 00:27:52.050 --> 00:27:53.340 Karen Yi (she/her): I don't know where she is. I was 200 00:27:53.970 --> 00:27:54.630 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I really 201 00:27:54.960 --> 00:27:59.100 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Don't know either. It's like a spiraling 202 00:28:05.850 --> 00:28:09.000 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I'm turning my stuffed animal into hyper 203 00:28:10.650 --> 00:28:11.400 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: That's so funny. 204 00:28:13.980 --> 00:28:20.820 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Next part is not as difficult. It's kind of just like more fun because you get to decide what you want to do. 205 00:28:21.900 --> 00:28:25.200 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: With the face or like the wings, whatever you're doing. 206 00:28:26.280 --> 00:28:40.620 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Last time I put eyes, and then a smile, but I'm thinking this time I want to do eyes and then like red or pink cheeks, just for fun. So really, whatever you guys are thinking you can do 207 00:28:41.730 --> 00:28:43.590 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Now we have to tie it off. 208 00:28:45.180 --> 00:28:54.390 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So I think so. Now you just have the string on both sides, and then you just have to like do a double not like 209 00:28:56.910 --> 00:28:57.960 Anything else 210 00:29:11.520 --> 00:29:17.040 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then you just cut it close to where the model is but not like there. 211 00:29:18.600 --> 00:29:18.750 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Were 212 00:29:20.040 --> 00:29:21.510 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: No strings attached. 213 00:29:23.100 --> 00:29:25.050 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, um, 214 00:29:31.800 --> 00:29:33.450 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Is everyone's doing good. So 215 00:29:35.460 --> 00:29:37.650 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool. I see nods. Sounds great. 216 00:29:40.110 --> 00:29:40.410 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: It is 217 00:29:42.570 --> 00:29:46.590 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: We got a fat be this time, although it's fun because you can squish them. And then they're like, so flat. 218 00:29:48.780 --> 00:29:56.970 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Oh, also whenever anyone makes a stuffed animal. If you have a name for it, let us know. Because, Karen. What was your name. They're so cute. 219 00:29:57.510 --> 00:30:02.790 Karen Yi (she/her): It was wrong PC PC. I think we'll do a contest. 220 00:30:03.960 --> 00:30:06.660 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, whoever has the best feeling 221 00:30:08.970 --> 00:30:09.600 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Lazy 222 00:30:10.620 --> 00:30:27.870 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool. So now we can start with the face. I have some like random felt still over here. So I'm just going to cut out. I think what I'm going to do is like a white circle and then black circle for the eyes, just so it looks a little bit more realistic like Karen's 223 00:30:37.410 --> 00:30:38.700 Oh wow, my scissors suck. 224 00:31:00.060 --> 00:31:03.480 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool. Okay. And then for this. I'm going to use 225 00:31:04.830 --> 00:31:07.950 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I have pink thread instead of black just so then it 226 00:31:09.870 --> 00:31:11.670 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Looks a little better on the white 227 00:31:13.770 --> 00:31:20.040 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: But of course we are putting black over it says it so it doesn't matter too much. If you don't have another color and 228 00:31:23.730 --> 00:31:24.030 This is 229 00:31:34.320 --> 00:31:38.100 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, so for this all you pretty much have to do is 230 00:31:40.800 --> 00:31:49.350 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Put okay I didn't change with it. Just pull it, put it in and then take it back out, kind of like what we're doing with the stinger if anyone has done that. 231 00:32:02.670 --> 00:32:05.190 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And this is the part where you're going to do a lot more 232 00:32:07.140 --> 00:32:15.060 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Put it on a lot better than or with a lot more than you think you need just to make sure it stays on. Okay. 233 00:32:16.440 --> 00:32:19.170 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So let's do this. 234 00:32:26.730 --> 00:32:28.080 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: This is for over 235 00:32:31.740 --> 00:32:38.820 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay. Well, I think the easiest thing to do here is to put it in on one side and then take it out. 236 00:32:40.050 --> 00:32:45.750 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: On the other, just because it's like the needles really long and I don't know how 237 00:32:50.070 --> 00:32:52.410 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: I feel like I need a thimble. I keep poking myself. 238 00:32:56.910 --> 00:32:59.820 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And what's nice about doing that is most of the 239 00:33:02.880 --> 00:33:04.590 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: String is underneath it's not 240 00:33:24.510 --> 00:33:25.380 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Can I see your guys's 241 00:33:38.340 --> 00:33:40.110 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Wait, can I say, sir, I was looking down 242 00:33:40.770 --> 00:33:43.860 ALEXANDER YAN: Hold it together with like that like like saying 243 00:33:45.930 --> 00:33:46.200 ALEXANDER YAN: Please. 244 00:33:47.040 --> 00:33:49.710 Dig- Lauren Olson- she/her: Make it funny and just cut that part in half. 245 00:33:49.920 --> 00:33:51.900 Dig- Lauren Olson- she/her: And then, oh years 246 00:33:52.530 --> 00:33:53.970 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Now, realizing this is 247 00:33:53.970 --> 00:33:57.810 ALEXANDER YAN: Actually like a really tough, though it is really hard goes wrong. 248 00:33:58.380 --> 00:33:59.790 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, you're like, 249 00:33:59.910 --> 00:34:01.470 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: super thick sock. 250 00:34:05.490 --> 00:34:07.080 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: No. That makes sense. You should have really 251 00:34:15.870 --> 00:34:19.740 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Trying to make my art with the same size. And I think it is. 252 00:34:51.090 --> 00:34:56.670 Karen Yi (she/her): We take the blame for any improvisation that has the courage that we didn't go through before 253 00:34:57.750 --> 00:34:59.070 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yes, very good. 254 00:34:59.340 --> 00:35:08.520 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: We thought we are going to get this funding and be able to send it to everyone, but unfortunately it didn't come in time. So we got some of them. 255 00:35:09.990 --> 00:35:15.540 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Which I think worked out fine because now we're going to have a bunch of different kinds of these 256 00:35:16.560 --> 00:35:17.700 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And other pollinators. 257 00:35:18.750 --> 00:35:37.080 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Which is much more cool okay that is close enough. So now what I'm going to do is put it in through the eye and then take it out in the other eye. So then I don't have to start over with my thread you see it's going in one eye. 258 00:35:38.670 --> 00:35:41.130 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool looks a little creepy, but that's okay. 259 00:35:43.980 --> 00:35:46.350 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then just do the same thing on the side. 260 00:35:58.680 --> 00:36:00.120 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, I definitely want a simple 261 00:36:02.790 --> 00:36:04.530 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Justin I thought this is gonna be 262 00:36:20.370 --> 00:36:26.790 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, cool. Now I'm going to start on my the black part of the eyes right now. He looks really crazy. It's like 263 00:36:31.560 --> 00:36:37.920 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Oh, also with this. I'm going to put it back through the other eye and then it gets. Get it close to the pink. 264 00:36:39.090 --> 00:36:49.860 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So then I can tie it off, how I did at the other place. See, they're like, right next to each other now and I can cut off this string and then I can tie them real quick. 265 00:36:51.690 --> 00:37:01.050 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And I did that, like a little bit underneath where I'm going to put the black. So then you won't be able to see the not when we get there. 266 00:37:04.980 --> 00:37:05.430 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool. 267 00:37:11.250 --> 00:37:12.120 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, there we go. 268 00:37:25.590 --> 00:37:30.600 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Oh yeah, that's smart. Maybe I should just do that. Okay, I'll just do that. 269 00:37:37.950 --> 00:37:39.330 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay guys, instead 270 00:37:40.710 --> 00:37:46.020 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: We had a great idea in the chat. I'm just going to draw my eyes. Should I make him cross eyed 271 00:38:10.410 --> 00:38:27.630 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay. He's really cute. I think I put on the eyes, kind of sideways, but that's okay. Now I'm going to add the pink. And I think I'm good. Um, does anyone, anyone want to show their BS. I'll move my spotlight and we can go to gallery. 272 00:38:31.200 --> 00:38:34.590 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Oh my gosh, I forgot about the wings surprise. These have wings. 273 00:38:37.890 --> 00:38:39.810 Karen Yi (she/her): Beekeepers maybe some of us don't 274 00:38:43.140 --> 00:38:52.260 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Wait, you know, there is a kind of be that doesn't have wings. I'm pretty sure isn't it the female version does not be us and they like in the ground can somewhat beekeeper safe. That's true. 275 00:38:53.580 --> 00:38:54.690 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Or watched it in my 276 00:38:55.860 --> 00:38:57.180 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: You'd be 100 class. 277 00:39:00.540 --> 00:39:07.410 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, cool. I have some fabric here. I actually already cut out my wings last time. So I'll just go get those 278 00:39:24.810 --> 00:39:33.630 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Okay, lost it. I'm going to come out again. So either you can do Karen's way which is cutting a wing and then a second wing and then adding them on separately. 279 00:39:33.930 --> 00:39:47.490 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Or what I did last time, which is just like creating two things together and then like adding them right in the center. So whichever you guys would like can see the same way, just 280 00:40:02.280 --> 00:40:04.950 Karen Yi (she/her): I'm just saying, Charlotte expert. I don't know, honestly. 281 00:40:05.820 --> 00:40:10.920 Karen Yi (she/her): What and the chat. I said to my wife who's harder than your way. 282 00:40:13.980 --> 00:40:17.700 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: This now. Either way, it looks really cute. Wait, can show your be 283 00:40:20.670 --> 00:40:21.030 Karen Yi (she/her): All 284 00:40:21.360 --> 00:40:22.350 Karen Yi (she/her): The other eye on so 285 00:40:22.740 --> 00:40:23.220 Yeah. 286 00:40:24.270 --> 00:40:25.230 Karen Yi (she/her): I'll turn off my 287 00:40:35.910 --> 00:40:37.050 Karen Yi (she/her): Separate little wings. 288 00:40:37.320 --> 00:40:37.590 And it's 289 00:40:38.730 --> 00:40:39.360 Karen Yi (she/her): Like they were 290 00:40:44.340 --> 00:40:44.970 Karen Yi (she/her): Really 291 00:40:46.110 --> 00:40:48.240 Karen Yi (she/her): Like a fish. It's pretty great. 292 00:40:49.560 --> 00:40:49.770 Karen Yi (she/her): Yeah. 293 00:40:50.790 --> 00:40:53.100 Karen Yi (she/her): Who's offering so Charlotte, she did. 294 00:40:53.910 --> 00:40:56.010 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: What she did it all yourself. 295 00:40:59.430 --> 00:41:02.400 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Oh my gosh, I think I decided to use like the worst. 296 00:41:05.520 --> 00:41:06.150 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: So, 297 00:41:13.350 --> 00:41:21.840 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Hopefully you guys are able to cut out some very cute things. I think I'm just gonna lose these funny things that kind of 298 00:41:26.820 --> 00:41:33.900 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And I'm going to use pink again just so then it's like kind of close to the real design and I'm also going to 299 00:41:35.520 --> 00:41:39.330 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Use some pink on the sides of the wings. So then like to pull them up a little bit. 300 00:41:41.910 --> 00:41:43.440 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Which I just thought of. 301 00:41:44.910 --> 00:41:49.410 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Yeah, we'll go like that. So I'll put in there and then 302 00:42:21.420 --> 00:42:23.130 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Wait, it does look like Ponyo. 303 00:42:38.040 --> 00:42:55.260 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool. Okay, I'm pretty much going to do the same thing as we did before, but we just, like, put it in to both make sure you have the lower layer to oh and make sure you never pull your thread, all the way through. I feel like I do that all the time and and then just 304 00:42:56.550 --> 00:43:00.780 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Do it several times back and forth, just to make sure you know 305 00:43:02.340 --> 00:43:02.850 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Sick. 306 00:43:40.320 --> 00:43:43.320 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Cool. And then if you want to, like, 307 00:43:44.490 --> 00:43:47.250 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Maybe make them come up of it, you can 308 00:43:49.590 --> 00:43:52.080 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: Go up along the side and like pole. 309 00:43:53.580 --> 00:44:03.510 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then just keep doing that and then like want to be kind of a cute design around the wing and to build like stick up of it to make it look more like a wing 310 00:44:05.190 --> 00:44:05.820 So, 311 00:44:16.080 --> 00:44:16.290 What 312 00:44:40.470 --> 00:44:46.110 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then we just have to do the thing on the other side. But it's kind of like Buffalo and it sticks up a bit. 313 00:44:47.760 --> 00:44:49.470 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And maybe 314 00:44:55.140 --> 00:44:59.280 DIG-Charlotte-she/her: And then you just have to do the same thing with tying it off like you did in the other ones.