WEBVTT 1 00:00:19.410 --> 00:00:31.380 Exchange there by helping to it's a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non monetary exchange. 2 00:00:31.830 --> 00:00:37.890 There, by helping to build a sustainable global community, what is a bad living learning on organic farms. 3 00:00:38.250 --> 00:00:47.070 It provides people with an opportunity to learn about organic agriculture and sustainable lifestyles, by helping directly on a host farm or smallholding. 4 00:00:47.640 --> 00:00:53.460 Everybody is welcome you don't need experience use openness and a willingness to try something different. 5 00:00:54.240 --> 00:01:03.630 As a volunteer you will help them with their day to day tasks, these can include anything from gardening taking care of animals cooking or building fences and much for. 6 00:01:04.230 --> 00:01:09.690 The farmer would surely be grateful to receive willing happy has its teamwork and its cooperation. 7 00:01:10.320 --> 00:01:20.340 The real heart of what is in the abundant hands on education, you will gain and the cultural experience, more than a simple exchange wolf is about trust and sharing. 8 00:01:20.820 --> 00:01:32.130 The farmers are willing to share to share their knowledge histories recipes to share the way they live and their vision of life by welcoming you in their own home worth its interactive. 9 00:01:33.480 --> 00:01:42.360 adventures, as you will remember, for a long time what creates a local and global mindset, providing the volunteer with a connection to a new Community. 10 00:01:42.870 --> 00:01:50.190 Life brings together people from across the world with similar values and philosophies both enables us to learn, by getting your hands dirty. 11 00:01:50.580 --> 00:02:01.470 to share stories laughter and good organic food in our daily lives, surrounded by nature, like minded people from across the globe which all helps to foster peace and understanding between. 12 00:02:03.360 --> 00:02:22.500 is learning about organic agriculture, which is an alternative way to travel and discover places and people wolf is immersing yourself in a different culture work is about making a difference one seed as a time everybody's welcome to this nation at www the international. 13 00:02:27.120 --> 00:02:27.990 Worldwide move. 14 00:02:29.430 --> 00:02:43.500 Lauren Olson: There we go Okay, so that was just a little bit about what kind of what they aim to achieve, so what stands for worldwide opportunities on organic farms. 15 00:02:45.420 --> 00:02:51.090 Lauren Olson: So, in theory, all the farmers listed on what they're supposed to be organic using organic practices. 16 00:02:52.320 --> 00:03:01.290 Lauren Olson: And then workers are paid and room and board in exchange for working on these farms and it can range from like anything from one day to several months working there. 17 00:03:01.950 --> 00:03:08.640 Lauren Olson: And it's kind of a chance to learn more about like farming practices in agriculture and also meet other people who are interested in the same things. 18 00:03:09.030 --> 00:03:19.380 Lauren Olson: And it's also a pretty low cost way to travel, because your room and board is being covered and that's like usually the most expensive part of traveling you still have to cover your own travel costs but. 19 00:03:20.550 --> 00:03:35.850 Lauren Olson: it's pretty helpful to have room board covered definitely lowers the cost of traveling and then now I wouldn't just share some of the more logistical stuff I actually have an account, so I thought i'd just. 20 00:03:37.080 --> 00:03:43.740 Lauren Olson: share my screen real quick and show you what like the interfaces look like show you what it looks like to sign up and stuff. 21 00:03:45.840 --> 00:03:46.830 Okay. 22 00:03:51.600 --> 00:03:51.780 Oh. 23 00:03:52.950 --> 00:03:54.780 Lauren Olson: Sorry, the trouble. 24 00:03:56.430 --> 00:03:56.790 Lauren Olson: Okay. 25 00:03:58.710 --> 00:04:03.600 Lauren Olson: So this is their main website so if you just look up what this is what's going to come up. 26 00:04:04.680 --> 00:04:15.090 Lauren Olson: And from here, you can get two websites for their specific locations, so it kind of goes by country, I have a membership for the United States. 27 00:04:15.780 --> 00:04:29.220 Lauren Olson: And so what I would do to get to that that site is click on the United States then login from that website, but I already have that tab open so i'm just going to go to it okay so then like once i've logged in this is what it looks like. 28 00:04:30.240 --> 00:04:33.750 Lauren Olson: So you have to create an account specific to the country, you want to work in. 29 00:04:34.980 --> 00:04:45.060 Lauren Olson: Because each country has a different chapter, so you have to sign up separately, if you want to look in different countries and it costs, I think it was $40 for a membership. 30 00:04:46.320 --> 00:05:02.040 Lauren Olson: So then, once you have a membership you come in and you create a little profile just put in like a picture and a little bit about yourself, and you can also like favorite farms and contact hosts and stuff like that, so you want to find a host. 31 00:05:03.180 --> 00:05:04.110 Lauren Olson: Go here. 32 00:05:10.110 --> 00:05:25.590 Lauren Olson: Okay yeah and then it brings up a map of the whole us so for us membership you get the continental us and then make our not Mexico Hawaii and Alaska and then US territory so Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. 33 00:05:27.240 --> 00:05:33.390 Lauren Olson: And you can zoom in on areas that you might be focused on. 34 00:05:34.710 --> 00:05:44.310 Lauren Olson: The maps little hard to use because it automatically goes to whatever farm you scroll over which makes it a bit tricky to navigate but. 35 00:05:45.390 --> 00:05:56.820 Lauren Olson: Here it's just listing general farms in the US, and then you can go in from here and view specific profiles so here, it just gives you like a little tiny bit about the farm their profile. 36 00:05:57.360 --> 00:06:14.790 Lauren Olson: It shows you the percentage of reviews that were good so they have 14 reviews and 96% of them are good just helpful to know and also another helpful thing is looking at the last login of the host because sometimes these hosts have been on here for years and they've gone. 37 00:06:15.900 --> 00:06:20.640 Lauren Olson: On active so it's helpful to look at this to know whether or not they're active and still taking wolfers. 38 00:06:22.170 --> 00:06:34.530 Lauren Olson: Another helpful thing is to look at whether or not they're verified, you can see that some art, so if they're verified that just means that a representative from what has gone out to the farm, to make sure that they're. 39 00:06:35.940 --> 00:06:42.120 Lauren Olson: Like complying to the wolf standards if they're not verified doesn't mean they're not it just means that nobody's checked. 40 00:06:43.050 --> 00:06:58.770 Lauren Olson: And then, if they are verified they don't check very often from what i've read, so it also doesn't necessarily mean that they're complying with the guidelines currently but then, if you click on a profile, I have this one open another tab. 41 00:07:00.750 --> 00:07:11.070 Lauren Olson: Okay, so this is what it looks like when you click on a host profile and so it, you can go to the about section and this just tells you like. 42 00:07:12.270 --> 00:07:18.660 Lauren Olson: What the farm is like what they're looking for it also tell you what kind of jobs you're going to be doing and. 43 00:07:19.920 --> 00:07:36.330 Lauren Olson: This is also really helpful because even though, like in theory are supposed to be able to come into any form without experience according to like wolf's mission some farms do one more experienced farmers, but a lot of them don't, and this is awful also helpful for finding like. 44 00:07:38.040 --> 00:07:46.560 Lauren Olson: Specific things that they do want to farm like if you're looking for a farm that rearing pigs, or something you can go into the profile and it should tell you. 45 00:07:47.460 --> 00:07:54.480 Lauren Olson: Then you can also check the availability, so you can see here that they're like immediately available if I wanted to I could show up this week. 46 00:07:55.110 --> 00:08:06.720 Lauren Olson: and say hey but i'm not going to do that, obviously, got midterms and then you can go to reviews, which is also very helpful thing you can see here they got 13 reviews and one kind of math. 47 00:08:08.730 --> 00:08:19.650 Lauren Olson: And then also another health thing is to look out when these reviews are posted because there's some that go way back like 2015 it's probably more helpful to pay attention to the ones that were recent. 48 00:08:20.220 --> 00:08:29.790 Lauren Olson: Probably more reflective what they are, and then another thing is my favorite part of looking at the profiles, is going through the pictures, because I feel like that gives you a really good idea of what these farms are going to be like. 49 00:08:31.050 --> 00:08:46.410 Lauren Olson: um yeah so that was my bed just kind of wanted to share what it looks like once you actually get the membership so, then you can kind of decide whether or not you want to get one before paying because before you have a membership, you can see any of the stuff like this really okay. 50 00:08:50.190 --> 00:08:51.810 Karen Yi (she/her): Go back to the presentation here. 51 00:09:17.970 --> 00:09:25.170 Lauren Olson: Okay, so some will thing faqs do you have to pay to have no you're not supposed to have to pay, although. 52 00:09:26.610 --> 00:09:34.260 Lauren Olson: kind of depends, so there is a signup fee like I said it was like $40 or something and then you have to pay for your travel for us to get to the farm. 53 00:09:35.070 --> 00:09:43.500 Lauren Olson: Some farmers are willing to like pick you up at the airport whatever but kind of just is up to you and the farmer and that's something that you need to communicate with them. 54 00:09:44.580 --> 00:09:59.820 Lauren Olson: But then, once you get their food and living space are provided for you sometimes the food is, from the farm or they have like a fridge stocked for you to use and sometimes i'll give you a stipend to go out to a grocery store and buy your own food. 55 00:10:01.560 --> 00:10:14.850 Lauren Olson: And then, according to what you're not supposed to have to pay host at all, but from what i've read in some host countries, the host my ask you for money because they see it as like a learning experience for you. 56 00:10:16.080 --> 00:10:24.420 Lauren Olson: But just kind of depends and Wolf says that if you are asked for money you're supposed to contact them and let them know because that's not supposed to happen. 57 00:10:26.880 --> 00:10:40.680 Lauren Olson: And then, how do I find a farm that specializes in a specific type of agriculture so like I was saying it's really helpful to look at the profiles of the farms and then I think you can also set filters. 58 00:10:41.760 --> 00:10:50.070 Lauren Olson: For certain things are obviously you're not gonna have filters for everything if you're looking for something super specific maybe like soap making which they might not have even thought of. 59 00:10:51.780 --> 00:11:03.600 Lauren Olson: So yeah farms will usually say what specializations they do and they'll also tell you, if you're going to be taken, like an active part in those things, or if maybe they have them on site, but that's not the work that you're going to be doing. 60 00:11:05.040 --> 00:11:11.790 Lauren Olson: And before you sign up for a membership and might be helpful to think about what countries offer the things you're looking for. 61 00:11:13.050 --> 00:11:22.680 Lauren Olson: because some countries may not have things like cheese, making if that's something you're interested in maybe you want to sign up for like a membership in. 62 00:11:23.460 --> 00:11:35.880 Lauren Olson: France for that, obviously, I think the French are going to have plenty of ways, where you can make cheese, at least in my mind, they would so that's something maybe to be mindful of before you sign up for a membership, and we can go to the next slide. 63 00:11:38.370 --> 00:11:45.990 Lauren Olson: Okay, and then how has life changed operations due to coven so we have a question chat. 64 00:11:47.280 --> 00:12:03.000 Lauren Olson: yeah so it kind of depends, from what I was reading Alexander, you might need a tourist visa, but what is very hands off on these things, so any user that you need is going to have to be arranged by yourself. 65 00:12:03.960 --> 00:12:17.070 Lauren Olson: Maybe, with the help of your host but, for the most part that's something that you're going to have to figure out yourself yeah wolf doesn't really engage in like the. 66 00:12:18.240 --> 00:12:20.400 Lauren Olson: In like the day to day happenings. 67 00:12:21.480 --> 00:12:26.340 Lauren Olson: it's mostly once you like find a host you want it's between you and them to figure everything out. 68 00:12:28.650 --> 00:12:45.540 Lauren Olson: Okay, so how has life changed its operations do coven So what is kind of set some guidelines that they want farms to follow, but it is ultimately ultimately up to the host to decide what practices are going to put into place and. 69 00:12:46.560 --> 00:12:55.350 Lauren Olson: So they have asked refers to practice social distancing or yeah to practice physical distancing two weeks prior to their. 70 00:12:55.920 --> 00:13:14.670 Lauren Olson: departure for the farm so essentially you're going to they want you to quarantine yourself and and then not traveling if you're feeling ill and making separate accommodations once you arrive on the farm for two weeks, so this is kind of like they're being extra extra careful, I think. 71 00:13:15.720 --> 00:13:27.360 Lauren Olson: From what i've seen most farms aren't requiring you to do this, much, and I have seen something where they asked you to quarantine for two weeks before showing up things like that, but again, it just depends on the farm. 72 00:13:28.020 --> 00:13:32.280 Lauren Olson: And a lot of them have their coven requirements listed in their bios now. 73 00:13:33.900 --> 00:13:49.050 Lauren Olson: And then they want you to only engage with lovers outdoors on the farm or practicing social distancing and then they require what fruit, not to leave the farm ones are there so not going out into the nearest town, maybe just staying on the farm as much as you can. 74 00:13:51.150 --> 00:14:06.060 Lauren Olson: And then some farmers are requiring longer term stays so you can't just stay for a couple days and then leave again they want you to stay longer to kind of reduce the turnover and reduce the risk of them being infected or people on the farm being infected. 75 00:14:13.530 --> 00:14:14.430 Karen Yi (she/her): So. 76 00:14:14.520 --> 00:14:15.690 Karen Yi (she/her): Other if they came to me. 77 00:14:17.010 --> 00:14:34.740 Karen Yi (she/her): And I may ask us in the chat box this in the chat i'm signing up to work in a different country is for the most part, like signing up like Lawrence or do with what the other say certain countries, I think, Japan has her own worst Japan website, but. 78 00:14:36.030 --> 00:14:37.200 Karen Yi (she/her): Mostly looks the same. 79 00:14:38.610 --> 00:14:42.390 Karen Yi (she/her): works pretty much the same there is a works independent website. 80 00:14:42.810 --> 00:14:53.550 Karen Yi (she/her): That kind of collects all the different countries, I don't have their own looking website so let's say one of it or Botswana or Madagascar or Columbia, and I think each of those is. 81 00:14:54.390 --> 00:15:09.300 Karen Yi (she/her): kind of on the with independent website and they do as you can see how the same sorts of profiles, they tend to have, I think a little less information so that goes into our safety aspect which is. 82 00:15:10.770 --> 00:15:20.760 Karen Yi (she/her): There you know with any any travel experience that you have you obviously have to make sure it is the same, so one of the best ways to. 83 00:15:21.870 --> 00:15:34.140 Karen Yi (she/her): Make sure you aren't safe is to interview try to set up an interview with the host before you know after you communicate with them you're like oh seemed like a pretty good place and I want to go. 84 00:15:35.010 --> 00:15:43.410 Karen Yi (she/her): and make sure to just like me thumb and awesome like what exactly i'll be doing in you know if they have pictures of your accommodations or something. 85 00:15:44.010 --> 00:15:58.170 Karen Yi (she/her): Again, this is all may or may not be possible, depending on who's the farm is but and do the farmers so like lauren said on the verified ones are usually. 86 00:15:59.520 --> 00:16:15.180 Karen Yi (she/her): You know, as long as the about unverified ones are unsafe but verify once you can be more sure that it's safe and you can also try to like research, the farm on Google, you know or something like that maybe they have their own website, and you can see what customers saying as long. 87 00:16:19.020 --> 00:16:31.410 Karen Yi (she/her): And another thing to keep in mind is that when you do research one thing online there's like so many YouTube videos and blog posts, I like oh my terrible experience and like. 88 00:16:32.250 --> 00:16:42.960 Karen Yi (she/her): So a lot of times is people who sign up to work, and then they have an experience that they didn't expect because technically. 89 00:16:44.940 --> 00:16:53.940 Karen Yi (she/her): Farms what this was the organic farming, but some people just have like their backyard and they want me to help them with their like chickens in their backyard so. 90 00:16:54.600 --> 00:16:58.560 Karen Yi (she/her): Again, this is where research comes in, in your viewing content it's got to make sure. 91 00:16:59.430 --> 00:17:14.280 Karen Yi (she/her): Is it the kind of experience that you're looking for maybe some people, if you want to live with someone they're kind of like five stars, because they want a more personal kind of travel experience, but it really depends what you want to learn. 92 00:17:18.360 --> 00:17:35.280 Karen Yi (she/her): And I think we went over most of those some farms have special requirements on that was in the the skills that we covered like you know you might need some specific skills skills for syrup capping I don't know. 93 00:17:42.120 --> 00:17:43.770 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah I think that's. 94 00:17:46.140 --> 00:17:59.940 Karen Yi (she/her): What we have and make sure to also look at on YouTube videos of people sharing about their experiences, if you still want more detail about what it's like what's the day life like there's a lot of, let us. 95 00:18:00.930 --> 00:18:15.990 Karen Yi (she/her): What people's experiences are and again a lot of people have posted about you know my travel experience and one of the top things that was those on their own website it's like you, are under no legal or anything obligation to say. 96 00:18:16.440 --> 00:18:34.770 Karen Yi (she/her): If you get to a place and, and this is rare, but it happens if you aren't treated as well, as you know, a human should be treated some people like we're not given adequate food like you can just leave and so, if you do plan to go thing have a good. 97 00:18:36.180 --> 00:18:42.750 Karen Yi (she/her): backup plan for life, can I just hop on a plane and go home if this doesn't work as expected. 98 00:18:43.920 --> 00:18:44.220 Karen Yi (she/her): And I. 99 00:18:46.410 --> 00:18:53.460 Karen Yi (she/her): don't think it was almost like either, but another tip website house that I thought was a really good idea is. 100 00:18:53.820 --> 00:19:07.470 Karen Yi (she/her): If you can, and if you are worried about something like safety or about going to a whole new country by yourself, or however many weeks or months it's a really good idea to find a Francis willing to work with you and I think there's. 101 00:19:09.060 --> 00:19:12.630 Karen Yi (she/her): Almost one lunch, it was already like I joined the for. 102 00:19:13.680 --> 00:19:22.140 Karen Yi (she/her): The one thing, so you basically get a discount if there's more than one person signing up on the website on for a membership, so I think that's a really good idea. 103 00:19:23.160 --> 00:19:34.080 Karen Yi (she/her): And if you want, you can you know, send a message in the slack and be like hey you know, after this i'm really inspired I want to go within Maybe someone from table with you. 104 00:19:37.830 --> 00:19:42.420 Karen Yi (she/her): But anyways The point is that data is not affiliated with work at all. 105 00:19:43.800 --> 00:19:56.880 Karen Yi (she/her): I think so few some liver one of us who actually has gone with him before and she's not here today, but she said she had a good experience the from the farm she went to is called from hill farm Washington was pretty good but. 106 00:19:57.960 --> 00:20:02.220 Karen Yi (she/her): She also said yeah there's just it's just a really good way to. 107 00:20:03.660 --> 00:20:06.960 Karen Yi (she/her): Travel and see the world and also from fun. 108 00:20:08.640 --> 00:20:16.800 Karen Yi (she/her): While you're researching work, you might find that there's other similar organizations called like work away or healthy fats are like to both health. 109 00:20:17.130 --> 00:20:31.020 Karen Yi (she/her): artisans other organizations are similar to work but they're not always focused on farming so like work awakening me like helping someone build a deck or something, but it is kind of the same deal like maybe you. 110 00:20:31.440 --> 00:20:36.330 Karen Yi (she/her): you're like oh i'm not that interested in farming but I might want to help someone in something else. 111 00:20:36.570 --> 00:20:47.670 Karen Yi (she/her): Then this was probably the site for us, and they also look really similar because I think work always to be part of hope X, but i'm not really sure what's up with that, but I saw good work in scribblings website seo. 112 00:20:49.350 --> 00:20:50.850 Karen Yi (she/her): um yeah. 113 00:20:53.220 --> 00:20:56.250 Karen Yi (she/her): And I think there's a question that shot but i'm not sure. 114 00:21:05.010 --> 00:21:05.490 Karen Yi (she/her): alright. 115 00:21:10.110 --> 00:21:15.930 Karen Yi (she/her): And we just have a couple more slides about how to how else to get involved with farms. 116 00:21:16.350 --> 00:21:26.310 Karen Yi (she/her): So I just included a small slide in here in our Community supported agriculture so let's say you're like Oh, I think, from the pretty cool but i'm not sure that I want to go like work on one for. 117 00:21:26.970 --> 00:21:36.780 Karen Yi (she/her): You know, a period of time, but you can support them and other waves I don't know it has anyone here tried CSA before CSA boxes. 118 00:21:39.660 --> 00:21:41.250 Karen Yi (she/her): Again I can't see anyone or anything. 119 00:21:45.060 --> 00:21:46.320 Vanessa: I haven't helped with them i've. 120 00:21:46.350 --> 00:21:49.050 Vanessa: subscribed to one and received produce. 121 00:21:53.160 --> 00:21:54.990 Karen Yi (she/her): Yes, I was always talking about seven so. 122 00:21:55.590 --> 00:21:55.980 yeah. 123 00:21:59.250 --> 00:22:03.480 Vanessa: I really enjoyed it I yeah I really enjoyed it, it was great to have fresh produce. 124 00:22:04.170 --> 00:22:06.180 Vanessa: I did when I was younger. 125 00:22:07.800 --> 00:22:09.660 Vanessa: When I was a student at UCLA and. 126 00:22:10.800 --> 00:22:24.690 Vanessa: So UCLA where there was a program you could get your box pick it up on campus and then I would take it to my apartment and and cook with it, so it was it felt nice to be able to have that fresh local produce. 127 00:22:26.490 --> 00:22:26.880 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah. 128 00:22:28.260 --> 00:22:30.210 Karen Yi (she/her): I can absolutely want you saw. 129 00:22:31.800 --> 00:22:32.580 Karen Yi (she/her): Some currencies. 130 00:22:36.600 --> 00:22:36.870 Karen Yi (she/her): I. 131 00:22:36.960 --> 00:22:37.170 don't. 132 00:22:38.310 --> 00:22:38.820 Vanessa: know. 133 00:22:40.950 --> 00:22:42.060 Vanessa: I might have not I. 134 00:22:42.390 --> 00:22:44.160 Vanessa: Think I wasn't utilizing. 135 00:22:44.220 --> 00:22:45.900 Vanessa: All of the food that well. 136 00:22:48.570 --> 00:22:53.490 Vanessa: I think I just got really busy I wasn't cooking as much as I wanted to be able to so I didn't want to wait. 137 00:22:54.570 --> 00:22:55.350 Karen Yi (she/her): that's a good one. 138 00:22:59.370 --> 00:23:00.060 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah, no, no. 139 00:23:03.720 --> 00:23:03.930 Karen Yi (she/her): No. 140 00:23:05.970 --> 00:23:06.420 Karen Yi (she/her): So yeah. 141 00:23:07.980 --> 00:23:11.190 Karen Yi (she/her): Experience is pretty typical. 142 00:23:12.300 --> 00:23:22.470 Karen Yi (she/her): So one thing I hear is that, like yeah it's kind of hard to predict what you'll hear in a CSA box, even though a lot of. 143 00:23:23.610 --> 00:23:31.590 Karen Yi (she/her): What you can expect close on that website so this one is from yesterday he family farms which we just my room and said I just tried this week and. 144 00:23:31.920 --> 00:23:44.280 Karen Yi (she/her): Only got most of what was in this box, but again they might put in some stuff that you don't expect her don't know how to cook so that can be good if you're like Oh, I want to try some new things like they send us artists and we're going to try to simplify. 145 00:23:46.020 --> 00:23:57.180 Karen Yi (she/her): It is common but some people are like oh I don't I don't have the time to like go experiment with so, and so it really depends, what will work for you, but it's really great way to. 146 00:23:58.080 --> 00:24:10.980 Karen Yi (she/her): Get out what kind of local produce maybe I don't know you don't have time to go to a farmers market and this one delivers here door on certain days of the week of free great. 147 00:24:12.570 --> 00:24:19.920 Karen Yi (she/her): And it was $25 for a box i'll think a little bit five months, so it was very. 148 00:24:21.270 --> 00:24:23.430 Karen Yi (she/her): Unexpectedly, affordable, the banks. 149 00:24:25.080 --> 00:24:32.850 Karen Yi (she/her): And you can also order meat and eggs from certain forms on items to your box so it's pretty great. 150 00:24:33.510 --> 00:24:41.490 Karen Yi (she/her): I think the traditional model is that it's kind of like an investment so i'm at the beginning of the season you'll pay let's say. 151 00:24:41.940 --> 00:24:50.580 Karen Yi (she/her): 100 $150 to a farm and you'll say I really like you, I really want to make sure your farm succeeds this. 152 00:24:51.030 --> 00:25:04.350 Karen Yi (she/her): season and is able to hire workers i'm like five seeds and by soil and then with a farm gnosis they say thank you for your investment in us and here's the box of herders every week for 10 weeks so it's usually like a 10 week. 153 00:25:05.190 --> 00:25:21.210 Karen Yi (she/her): Investment, but you have to coach you, but I put here they do have a one time service which is, I think, relatively not as common as like the traditional CSS, but there is this option if you want to try CSS I think this was a brief. 154 00:25:33.840 --> 00:25:34.560 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah okay. 155 00:25:36.660 --> 00:25:41.610 Karen Yi (she/her): Just a short slide to come on people, farmers markets i'm sure you know what this is but. 156 00:25:42.690 --> 00:25:48.930 Karen Yi (she/her): Farmers markets are just I don't want to say, like better than grocery stores, but they are. 157 00:25:50.160 --> 00:25:59.490 Karen Yi (she/her): And we can make sure you have a smart carbon footprint when you buy your produce for the week there's one in westwood very faithful to five if you haven't checked it out you're. 158 00:26:01.140 --> 00:26:02.310 Karen Yi (she/her): going to see on that. 159 00:26:03.540 --> 00:26:08.430 Karen Yi (she/her): And now, for the last 15 minutes, or so we just have a fun. 160 00:26:10.620 --> 00:26:23.040 Karen Yi (she/her): Since we aren't able to be in our garden this year, sadly, wants to give you a virtual garden, for none of those pictures are actually a plants in our careers and I just realized like actual pictures will cleanse. 161 00:26:24.300 --> 00:26:24.720 Karen Yi (she/her): But. 162 00:27:19.980 --> 00:27:25.860 Karen Yi (she/her): CSA boxes on $25 for a box full smiling, the picture was like $1 for each item. 163 00:27:27.930 --> 00:27:32.460 Karen Yi (she/her): So, like a box of strawberries box mushrooms, etc, he loses like 1 million. 164 00:27:36.570 --> 00:27:37.560 Karen Yi (she/her): Then the same thing. 165 00:27:44.370 --> 00:27:45.900 Karen Yi (she/her): How many people should we expect. 166 00:27:52.590 --> 00:27:52.980 Lauren Olson: I mean. 167 00:27:54.030 --> 00:27:56.310 Lauren Olson: yeah there's 12 people in the meeting, so I think you're. 168 00:27:57.660 --> 00:27:58.260 Lauren Olson: Not doing it. 169 00:27:59.520 --> 00:27:59.790 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah. 170 00:28:09.660 --> 00:28:10.470 Karen Yi (she/her): I forgot to say. 171 00:28:31.680 --> 00:28:36.840 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah apparently kind of beliefs, can be used to make textiles, which I had no idea. 172 00:28:39.540 --> 00:28:50.040 Karen Yi (she/her): And I forgot to say that some questions have like little asterisk on them and those indicate plans that we have pointed driven but mostly it's Unfortunately we did not buy off on some maybe one day. 173 00:29:00.960 --> 00:29:01.590 Karen Yi (she/her): I don't know. 174 00:29:26.190 --> 00:29:38.430 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah so I guess what my intention with this is to familiarize people with pictures of plants, so that you know when you see them in the garden like wow I know and that's a pretty great feeling. 175 00:29:39.960 --> 00:29:45.060 Karen Yi (she/her): And here's some fun facts, so I feel like most people do not know. 176 00:29:46.200 --> 00:29:49.260 Karen Yi (she/her): lauren if you have any extra fun facts about us. 177 00:29:50.130 --> 00:29:51.030 But um. 178 00:29:52.080 --> 00:30:07.470 Lauren Olson: yeah I think all of the blueberries in the garden are rumored to be dead right now i'm not doing well, at least, but we had a one point I think we put them in right before coven happen so it's kind of a recipe for disaster. 179 00:30:37.980 --> 00:30:38.220 Karen Yi (she/her): amazing. 180 00:30:42.930 --> 00:30:48.780 Karen Yi (she/her): coverage, including the other columns apparently waste a lot of water, so I feel about every time I eat one but. 181 00:31:13.410 --> 00:31:13.740 Karen Yi (she/her): People. 182 00:31:33.390 --> 00:31:38.160 Karen Yi (she/her): A fun fact about this correct me if i'm wrong but i'm pretty sure it's with Dave garden use it as like. 183 00:31:39.750 --> 00:31:48.840 Karen Yi (she/her): what's the code red herring plant or whatever, so that that's one good to go and fill in some of the other crops. 184 00:31:53.880 --> 00:31:56.130 Charlotte Cosca (she/her): I feel like justin may have told me about at one point. 185 00:32:25.980 --> 00:32:29.250 Karen Yi (she/her): Yes, continuous process, but I don't know if that's one of the most popular. 186 00:32:30.960 --> 00:32:39.630 Karen Yi (she/her): ones in this workshop or like the first house, but I think Charlotte said most Soyuz eaten by livestock. 187 00:32:39.690 --> 00:32:42.450 Charlotte Cosca (she/her): In America yeah i'm pretty sure I said. 188 00:32:43.050 --> 00:32:43.290 yeah. 189 00:33:19.980 --> 00:33:22.020 Karen Yi (she/her): This used to be certain of sanitary on Sunday. 190 00:33:23.670 --> 00:33:31.590 Karen Yi (she/her): But now we all know, as peanut butter it originated with the incas and yeah, but it was very popular. 191 00:33:32.850 --> 00:33:34.410 Karen Yi (she/her): I Kellogg john come on. 192 00:34:06.840 --> 00:34:17.490 Karen Yi (she/her): You know don't feel like most people are getting worse with your browser definitely don't feel a learning experience, I will say or the lightning experience, if you when you will get to be sicker. 193 00:34:27.870 --> 00:34:32.070 Lauren Olson: I like that you chose the most nondescript plant pictures for all of these to. 194 00:34:33.390 --> 00:34:34.830 Lauren Olson: make it a little bit harder. 195 00:34:35.700 --> 00:34:40.980 Karen Yi (she/her): it's important because he got to know what it looks like when it comes out of the ground it's perfect for you to see. 196 00:34:41.610 --> 00:34:43.110 Lauren Olson: you're not giving away any previous. 197 00:34:47.940 --> 00:34:48.630 Karen Yi (she/her): boss people now. 198 00:35:15.150 --> 00:35:15.780 Karen Yi (she/her): My answer was. 199 00:35:17.670 --> 00:35:19.350 YAN, ALEXANDER: No one answer is correct, for this. 200 00:35:20.280 --> 00:35:21.390 Karen Yi (she/her): Oh yeah but. 201 00:35:23.190 --> 00:35:25.230 Karen Yi (she/her): The plant picture was caches. 202 00:35:26.730 --> 00:35:30.060 Karen Yi (she/her): don't just go off in the description sorry I need to find a charger. 203 00:35:32.460 --> 00:35:32.820 Karen Yi (she/her): Apparently. 204 00:35:39.420 --> 00:35:40.380 Karen Yi (she/her): Everyone. 205 00:35:49.230 --> 00:35:51.960 YAN, ALEXANDER: These are actually cashew milk never sold us I. 206 00:35:54.330 --> 00:35:54.840 YAN, ALEXANDER: Actually. 207 00:36:01.290 --> 00:36:03.120 Lauren Olson: Think it's mostly cashew cheese. 208 00:36:03.570 --> 00:36:07.710 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah yeah cashew cream cheese caching MAC and cheese. 209 00:36:09.300 --> 00:36:10.170 Karen Yi (she/her): Also, probably. 210 00:36:41.100 --> 00:36:49.500 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah the reason why you're not supposed to breathe, through your nose is because that means your eyes water always i'm pretty sure yeah let me correct me on one. 211 00:36:51.180 --> 00:36:56.190 Lauren Olson: Or you could just get onion covering goggles i'd seen before, which is. 212 00:36:56.220 --> 00:36:56.610 Really. 213 00:37:00.210 --> 00:37:00.630 Karen Yi (she/her): funny. 214 00:37:02.670 --> 00:37:06.870 Karen Yi (she/her): I think I read, though, that, like it's not actually the audience like going into your eyes it's like. 215 00:37:06.900 --> 00:37:10.500 Karen Yi (she/her): Three or nose on the surface water, you know, like so maybe the office with. 216 00:37:12.150 --> 00:37:13.230 Lauren Olson: me wouldn't. 217 00:37:13.980 --> 00:37:14.640 Who knows. 218 00:37:19.320 --> 00:37:22.440 Karen Yi (she/her): we'll have to we'll have to test this by by line and pair bonding. 219 00:37:24.900 --> 00:37:26.610 Karen Yi (she/her): Now it's back employee wow. 220 00:37:51.720 --> 00:38:01.410 Karen Yi (she/her): hey i'm glad, everyone knows, not to spurred on being disease, which was caused by Asian citrus salads lots of random words but it's. 221 00:38:26.100 --> 00:38:30.660 Karen Yi (she/her): I didn't notice before research looks also mostly from Wikipedia but. 222 00:38:47.340 --> 00:38:49.680 Lauren Olson: You have to give the people an easy one, every now and then. 223 00:38:50.940 --> 00:38:52.080 Karen Yi (she/her): I guess. 224 00:38:55.470 --> 00:38:56.910 Karen Yi (she/her): For one person who answered. 225 00:39:19.260 --> 00:39:21.150 Karen Yi (she/her): British people are saying. 226 00:39:47.130 --> 00:39:47.820 Karen Yi (she/her): Yes. 227 00:39:54.060 --> 00:39:54.330 Karen Yi (she/her): He. 228 00:40:17.100 --> 00:40:18.240 Karen Yi (she/her): Those pictures kind of hard to see. 229 00:40:24.690 --> 00:40:25.410 Karen Yi (she/her): Never eat it away. 230 00:40:27.510 --> 00:40:30.630 Karen Yi (she/her): Maybe we could grow them yeah i'm pretty sure you can eat. 231 00:40:53.010 --> 00:40:57.390 Karen Yi (she/her): Very good, I got it mixed up like you come out looks like pumpkin and. 232 00:41:10.980 --> 00:41:14.190 Karen Yi (she/her): This is a pretty recognizable everyone's like first. 233 00:41:29.010 --> 00:41:31.320 Karen Yi (she/her): Because these questions are shifting. 234 00:42:25.140 --> 00:42:38.700 Karen Yi (she/her): wow fencing the summer, while I don't know why I wrote southern California i'm pretty sure it's native to most of America, but this weekend, I was in a riverbed and I pull something up, and it was celery and I may or may not have either that but I don't recommend. 235 00:42:42.480 --> 00:42:43.680 Karen Yi (she/her): wow party Atlanta. 236 00:42:45.450 --> 00:42:47.970 Karen Yi (she/her): strawberry you were in third place, who is stronger. 237 00:42:49.650 --> 00:42:50.820 Karen Yi (she/her): We have to face reveal. 238 00:42:54.210 --> 00:42:55.170 Karen Yi (she/her): i'll send her good job. 239 00:42:57.000 --> 00:42:57.660 Karen Yi (she/her): Now. 240 00:42:59.520 --> 00:43:00.360 Yuerong Xiao (she/they): I am know. 241 00:43:02.310 --> 00:43:03.030 Karen Yi (she/her): me. 242 00:43:04.170 --> 00:43:05.400 Karen Yi (she/her): I guess i'll send you a sticker. 243 00:43:08.130 --> 00:43:10.260 Karen Yi (she/her): Okay, good job everyone you did so good. 244 00:43:12.540 --> 00:43:13.110 YAN, ALEXANDER: salary. 245 00:43:14.520 --> 00:43:15.240 Karen Yi (she/her): tomato for. 246 00:43:15.690 --> 00:43:16.950 YAN, ALEXANDER: A show was the well celery. 247 00:43:17.280 --> 00:43:17.850 Yes. 248 00:43:21.750 --> 00:43:22.260 Karen Yi (she/her): He. 249 00:43:26.040 --> 00:43:28.050 Karen Yi (she/her): wanted to show you how cool. 250 00:43:28.770 --> 00:43:30.300 YAN, ALEXANDER: Wait sorry for the water. 251 00:43:31.050 --> 00:43:37.770 Karen Yi (she/her): No, I don't know what this is, I feel like this is called wild salary, but it's like somebody had ducks eat and it's like grass it's like different. 252 00:43:39.210 --> 00:43:52.200 Karen Yi (she/her): Good but the one I found the bottom can look like this is like rain, partly in the water, and then like just picking up on the latest world really no smell like celery was so weird I let her come on smelling it anyways. 253 00:43:53.460 --> 00:43:54.660 Karen Yi (she/her): Thank you for coming everyone. 254 00:44:03.240 --> 00:44:04.980 Lauren Olson: Did we have a survey, to send out. 255 00:44:06.390 --> 00:44:06.750 Shelby (she/her): Yes. 256 00:44:07.650 --> 00:44:08.070 Lauren Olson: Okay. 257 00:44:08.160 --> 00:44:09.420 Shelby (she/her): i'll send it in the chat. 258 00:44:10.470 --> 00:44:12.180 Karen Yi (she/her): Oh, and also Dana has an announcement. 259 00:44:13.230 --> 00:44:14.880 Shelby (she/her): And i'll also send him the slack. 260 00:44:16.980 --> 00:44:24.630 Dana Gillis: I just wanted to let people know if you're interested that there is like a permaculture class that's being offered over the summer. 261 00:44:25.320 --> 00:44:36.240 Dana Gillis: In summer session a so if anyone is like looking to take summer classes, or in wants to I just thought everyone here would be interested since we've talked about permaculture a lot. 262 00:44:37.590 --> 00:44:39.480 Dana Gillis: So it's under food studies. 263 00:44:40.560 --> 00:44:42.870 Dana Gillis: And i'll just put the. 264 00:44:43.980 --> 00:44:50.820 Dana Gillis: yeah there's it's like food settings 187 um so yeah if you're interested I just thought you guys would want to know. 265 00:44:53.190 --> 00:44:54.330 Karen Yi (she/her): I think it's so cool. 266 00:44:57.360 --> 00:44:58.500 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah I think that's a. 267 00:45:00.300 --> 00:45:01.110 Karen Yi (she/her): Good day everyone. 268 00:45:02.280 --> 00:45:03.030 Yuerong Xiao (she/they): Thank you. 269 00:45:03.330 --> 00:45:03.690 Thank. 270 00:45:05.790 --> 00:45:06.120 Ben Greenstein: You. 271 00:45:12.570 --> 00:45:13.020 Yuerong Xiao (she/they): Charlotte. 272 00:45:14.550 --> 00:45:15.300 Shelby (she/her): Charlotte Laughter 273 00:45:16.770 --> 00:45:18.480 Karen Yi (she/her): So you got to go for a meeting, I think. 274 00:45:19.830 --> 00:45:20.070 Karen Yi (she/her): yeah. 275 00:45:21.810 --> 00:45:22.170 Lauren Olson: well. 276 00:45:23.760 --> 00:45:24.540 Yuerong Xiao (she/they): So fun. 277 00:45:25.770 --> 00:45:30.780 Yuerong Xiao (she/they): it's like you are either learning a fact or either learning the picture I like. 278 00:45:36.360 --> 00:45:37.020 Lauren Olson: To interesting. 279 00:45:38.880 --> 00:45:42.120 Karen Yi (she/her): Okay Okay, have a good week see you next week.